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Roof Maintenance: Part 3

Roof Maintenance: Part 3

This week we show you how to use Contouring Roof Fabric to strengthen your roof and finish the project with Maximum Stretch. To read about how we used Peel & Stick Seam Tape, go to last week’s article here.

First, apply a layer of Elasto Barrier to the surface you are going to apply contouring roof fabric to. This will act as an adhesive for the fabric so it is securely attached to the roof.

Do this process in sections to ensure the best adhesion between your roof and the fabric. This will also help the fabric lay down more smoothly.

Next you will be laying down the Contouring Roof Fabric. Unroll the fabric to span the length of the area you just coated with Super Elasto Barrier. Spread fabric over the wet coating, making sure there are no bubbles or creases in the fabric.

Tip! Push the fabric with a push broom to secure it into the coating and easily flatten out any imperfections.

Lastly, topcoat the Contouring Roof Fabric with a layer of Super Elasto Barrier while the coating you used under the fabric is still wet. This will help secure the fabric in place and ensure a smooth finish.

Then you can move onto the next section and do it all again!

To finish this project, we applied a topcoat of Maximum Stretch. Maximum Stretch is highly elastomeric, waterproof, and UV stable. Maximum Stretch is also reflective, reflecting up to 98% of UV rays, which means the inside of your building will remain cooler.