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Sundries And Equipment Inventory

Maintain Your Sundries & Equipment Inventory

When Roof Projects season comes near it is important to pre-order long lead time items and re-think your existing equipment production capability and multi-project demands. You may have worked for years and built your business to the point where you have multiple crews mobilizing and performing multiple jobs simultaneously. So, what happens when you do not have enough sprayers to go around? You compromise, send more of your crews over to one job and loose the momentum you have in ultimate multiple crew capacity. Do not be afraid to make critical equipment purchases that affect your crew’s ability to produce high production and high-quality results. I would much rather have not enough trucks to deliver job trailers then not enough production equipment to keep jobs rolling once mobilized. You can adjust delivery timing of job trailers but your dead in the water if you need a spray pump another crew is using. You can always lease or rent trucks and trailers, but high production spray equipment is usually a special order and involves pre-planning.

I personally like to research new equipment in the winter months and make final buy decisions as larger anchor project contracts are signed and my pending jobs’ board has substance.