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Productive Project Plan

Have a Productive Project Plan Every roof is different with each project involving multiple steps that translate into days on the job. Access and Egress to and from the roof will dictate where you start and end each shift to complete your daily tasks while still allowing crews to get on and off …
Ames Seamless Waterproofing Roof Explained

Ames Seamless Waterproofing Roof Explained

What Is A Seamless Monolithic Roof? Roofs are a system of materials applied to a building’s exterior roof substrate to protect the building structure and interior from the direct effects of nature’s elements. We focus this article on roofs used on commercial and industrial buildings, and flat …
Products to be Distributed in Australasia

Products to be Distributed in Australasia

Ames Research Laboratories (a global manufacturer of waterproof coating and sealants) has reached a distribution agreement with the BSSA (Building Solution Supplies Australasia) of Auckland, New Zealand. With over 30 years of experience in providing professional, innovative building product …
A Tale of Two Contractors

A Tale of Two Contractors

Jim and John are two competing commercial painting contractors in a metropolitan area of over 500,000 people. Both Jim and John bid new work and rely on numerous property owners and building maintenanc …
Ames and Sustainability

Ames and Sustainability

Ames and Sustainability Our product line isn’t just great because of its performance. Ames Research Laboratories realizes there is value beyond just the initial reward. Here is how our products go beyond to save you money, energy and encourage health. …